Our Journey

During his academic carreer, Anders obtained a master's degree in electro-mechanical system design from Aalborg University. It was there that he developed innovative control algorithms for an energy-efficient valve arrangement. His passion for optimizing digital fluid power systems for wave energy harvesting led him to pursue a Ph.D. in the field.

As the leader of the Fluid Power Technology research group at Aalborg University, Anders spearheads a team of dedicated researchers. The group's primary focus is on improving the energy efficiency of fluid power systems, working towards a more sustainable utilization of resources.

Per holds a master’s degree in electro-mechanical system design from Aalborg university where he developed fast switching valves and controls for digital displacement machines. In his phd. Per studied tribodynamic modelling of digital fluid power machines.

Per Johansen, CEO and Co-founder of HyNeron, has worked more than 10 years in the field of tribology in fluid power systems. Per works to enhance energy efficiency in tribology interfaces in fluid power systems. Among other topics, Per serves as an expert in ultrasonic measurement techniques for us, in tribological interfaces.

Assoc. Prof. Anders H. Hansen


Esteemed individual who brings over 10 years of expertise in digital fluid power systems to his role as CEO and Co-founder of HyNeron. With a strong dedication to enhancing system energy efficiency, Anders has made significant contributions to the field.

In addition to his remarkable academic achievements, Anders has been a highly respected teacher since 2011, specializing in fluid power systems. His commitment to sharing knowledge and supporting engineering students is evident in his role as a two-time recipient of the prestigious Teacher of the Year award in energy technology.

Assoc. Prof. Per Johansen

Acclaimed professional in the field of fluid power systems. With over 10 years of dedicated experience in digital fluid power systems and fluid power tribology he strives to optimize energy efficiency and reliability of fluid power systems. His expertise extends to various areas, including design and control of digital hydraulic pumps and motors, advanced modelling of fluid power tribology and ultrasound measurement techniques specifically tailored for tribology interfaces.
